Imagery International Movement

Mourning 2 Morning

To Be a beacon of Light to Mothers who are trying to find their way after the misfortune of losing a child.

Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the Morning. Psalms 30:5b

Mourning 2 Morning (M2M) is a support group for Mothers Overcoming Grief after the loss of their child or children. 

The grief of losing a child is Unfathomable, Unexplainable, Unforgettable and Unimaginable. There are no words to describe the emptiness, the void, and the literal heartache a mother endures in the wake of this kind of loss. M2M is a soft place to fall where Mothers Overcoming grief can be open, honest, listen, support, share and be transparent while working their way through this valley in their life.

Our Founder knows this full well. After going through the trauma of losing her daughter she relates and understand the struggle and realness of the process of withstanding this immeasurable grief.  

Lady E and other mothers who have themselves lost a child will be a “Beacon of Light” for Moms who are in this dark place. We stand before Mother’s as pillars of Strength, and help grieving mother’s draw strength from our Poise and Resolve and Love them to Life.

Since losing my only son 7 months ago, I have found myself walking through a dark tunnel fighting to find my way out. It’s scary not knowing where to turn or who to trust with my feelings. I finally found my perfect fit, “Mourning to Morning”. It was love at first sight. Stopping is no longer an option for me. I know now that I can walk through this dark tunnel to begin to see the light again somehow. With the help from “Mourning to Morning”, I feel that I can breathe again. Thank you and God Bless You. -A.T.-
I am one of many grieving Mothers that lost my only son to gun violence. Losing my only son was more than overwhelming. I was angry, burdened down with hurt, lost my identity but most of all my will to live was gone. I wanted to die! I was faced with so many unknowns. I felt hopeless and angry with God because I couldn't understand why this would happen to my son. My family who was just as devastated and hurt as I was tried to help and console me but that didn't help. I had several visits with my Primary Care Doctor because I had become depressed and couldn't sleep even with the prescribed medication that didn't help. Finally, after the third visit with my Primary Care Doctor she referred to a Grief Therapist because she had gone as far as she could with me. The Grief Therapist was nice, she helped me to identify some of those feelings and emotions that I was having but deep in my soul I still wasn't feeling better. A couple weeks later a friend suggested I attend a grief for mothers’ group and I'm so happy I did because that's when my understanding and healing started to take place.  Meeting Lady E for the first time was so refreshing. Her warm hugs and affectionate smile made you feel welcomed as soon as you walked through the door. Lady E is so transparent with us mothers. She lets us know that the pain we feel is valid, yes it hurts but joy will come in the morning. The Mourning to Morning group has been a huge pillar in my grieving process. I'm finally with other mothers that understand the unspoken, mothers who share the same pain even though we are different. I would recommend this group to any mom that has lost a child. Lady E is truly God sent and her ministry is so needed for a broken community such as ours.
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